Links to listen to all bonus episodes.

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Resolutions & Intentions

Hey!! What do you want to make in your life this year?! Here's a little bit about how you can use your powerful intentions to make your New Year's resolutions stick.

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Miracle in Progress

Just a quick bonus talking my first book, about change, and healing, and progression, and what you'd like to make happen in your life in the coming year.

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Help for the Holidays

The holidays can be stressful for all of us, sometimes that's something fleeting but it's good to know that there's no shame in reaching out when we need a extra help to make it through.

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Study & Practice

Listen to this right now if you can! It's short and it's got a whole lot about how you can turn almost anything into a form of self-study and energetic practice.

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Moving Forward

Explaining the new schedule for Season 1 and how you can use what we've got here moving forward no matter what's happening in your life right now.

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On Grief

Talking about why I've been so quiet this last week, how important it is to be good to yourself and honor your emotions through any grieving process.

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Catching Up

Taking a look at one of the most common obstacles for creating any wellness practice. There really is something that you can do about it and a really good analogy for every area of life!

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War Stories

A little bit about the stories that I tell and how you might start looking at what you have to offer and what you're willing to share in a new way.

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Reframing Triggers

Talking about how to start reframing the way we see things that we would normally label negative and start turning them into a reminder to start moving in a new direction.