Discipline Talking Points

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So, I’m officially admitting that I’ve spent a good portion of my adult life trying to quiet my overactive mind. I’ve always been prone to running circles inside my head. And if you know me personally that might come as a surprise to you. I’m usually pretty quiet about it. But my personal struggle with that kind of mental pain was always just that.. painful.. and very personal. It took me a long time to start talking my own struggle and learning to discipline my thoughts. And it took a lot of practice for me to realize that discipline ultimately equals freedom.

Show Notes

Talking about some of the different kinds of Discipline, how to start taking action and how you might be able to see self-discipline as a form of self-love that leads to freedom.

Here’s a quick look at the Talking Points for Discipline:

·      Physical practice and physical fitness as a discipline can be a great way to start shaping your physical experience.

·      And you can easily take what you learn from that physical practice and use it as a practical method for disciplining your mind.

·      You can use that new method for processing thoughts to discipline, to process and understand your emotions and use them for guidance.

·      And all of that comes into play as you learn to use your energy wisely, creating a strong energetic discipline and practice.

·      Reminding yourself that self-discipline really is just you lovingly training you to be the best version of you.

·      And knowing that in that decision, in that commitment, by embracing this principle of discipline and moving into right action you set yourself free.

I’d love to hear what you thought about today’s episode. Come connect with us on social media and join in the conversation.

Discipline Study Journal is next! Thanks for Listening!

The only intent of this podcast is to offer information for self-exploration and general wellness practice. If you choose to employ any of the techniques offered, the creator, author, host and publisher assume no responsibility for your actions or results. This is all you!

Copyright © Marta Mrotek, Wellness Meetings, LLC


Discipline Study Journal


Love Practice Challenge