Surrender Talking Points

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Growing up in a house with a terminally and mentally ill parent was very similar to living in a house with two teenagers struggling with addiction. It was the same flavor of fear… haunting, like living with ghosts, unpredictable and so tangled up with grief and the fear of death. It wasn’t easy watching my mother go, it was long and drawn out, and scary, and confusing, and unfair, but I did know there was nothing I could do about. Somehow, I thought I could save my kids if I held on tight enough, but it turns out the whole thing was about letting go.

Show Notes

Working on Surrender this time and how we can use the work we’ve already done together to start releasing unhealthy connections. We went through the six talking points and examples from my experience to start looking at Surrender as accepting what’s not ours to change.

Here’s a quick look at the Talking Points for Surrender:

·      Use what you’ve learned about unhealthy connections to identify what needs to go.

·      Release the need to control to start identifying what is not yours to change.

·      Move into acceptance by being grateful for whatever you have right now.

·      Remind yourself that letting go doesn’t mean you’re giving up or giving in by

·      Surrendering to the present moment and the Changeless Source of Energy.

·      Apply this “recipe” for growing Faith on a regular basis to create a strong foundation.

I’d love to hear what you thought about today’s episode. Come connect with us on social media and join in the conversation.

Surrender Study Journal is next! Thanks for Listening!

The only intent of this podcast is to offer information for self-exploration and general wellness practice. If you choose to employ any of the techniques offered, the creator, author, host and publisher assume no responsibility for your actions or results. This is all you!

Copyright © Marta Mrotek, Wellness Meetings, LLC


Surrender Study Journal


Hope Practice Challenge